Dealing with burnout as a developer

Dealing with burnout as a developer

Developers often work in a stressful environment and in most cases, they hardly get enough rest due to project timelines and other areas in the work environment. Most developers work from home these days and this should be the best time they get enough rest but this isn't the case. Working from home takes a lot from developers than working from the office. When you leave the office, you're officially closed from work but when working from home, there's no official closing time. This becomes difficult for developers to catch enough rest and in the end, get burnt out.

I never knew I was burnt out, it was gradual and in stages and the more I work and the more burnt out I become, my behavior around work and people changes. I always complained to my partner I was tired yet, I work every time I complain. My behavior towards everything and everyone changed, I started behaving in a weird way, I didn't care about my hygiene, food, and whatever makes me survive.

It took me a while before I realized I was burnt out. Dealing with burnout wasn't as smooth as I might have thought. I took time off work, took time off friends and families, and took time off my pc and social media. I made sure to get enough rest.

After a week of resting, I went on Twitter, and on my TL I saw someone tweeting about burnout this tweet caught my attention, so I followed the thread and realized everything in the thread was what I had been through and that's how I even got to know there are stages in burnout.

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More from the thread

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Link to thread in case you want to follow more:

How to treat burnouts from the thread:

  • Recognize it.
  • Listen to your body.
  • Take a break from the stressor.
  • Exercise.
  • Sleep.
  • Drink Water (lots of it).
  • Figure out if you're in sync with your goals.

I hope to start taking enough rest from work to not get to the stage where burnout makes your friends and families look like your enemies to you.